The Change

It had been ages since I first smiled from the heart
In an intricate web of thoughts I was caught
Complications often plagued my life
Had no strength to move ahead, was full of strife
The journey was rough, happiness was rare
My mind was blank, grief used it as her lair
But every cloud does have a silver lining
Looking for it, I spent all my time whining
Then came a change, turned everything upside down
A smile dawned on my face, away went my frown
Now I look back and ponder about the past
A different person I've become, hope this will last
With you in my life, I shall overcome all odds
Together we are perfect, like two peas in the pods
Call it a request, a wish or a plea,
Just a yes from you will make me jump around with glee
Travel with me in this journey of bliss
Let us seal this bond for life with a kiss.

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